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why wont you start? solution: injectors
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 12:57 am
by androoz
im trying desperately to find out whats causing this..
ill try to describe the problem a little bit..
when i start the car for the first time of the day (very cold).. it chokes VERY slowly, but starts VERY QUICKLY after only about one second..

but after driving it and parking it (few hours later when its warmer in the day, upon returning its not so happy to start. at this time it chokes at its proper speed, but refuses to go on so easily. after letting it choke for a while, it MAY go on.. but then black smoke comes out the exhaust, then its fine. if it doesnt go on first try, it most likely goes on second try.. but still smoke, then its fine. BUT if i shut the car down, and immediately start it again, it goes on perfect.
i have only tried to change spark plugs
whats the most likely cause of this? should i replace the starter motor? could any fuel leaks cause this? ive fixed the only fuel leak that was spooted..
EDIT: ok, the problem has always been the leaky injector.. replaced both of them to make sure, and it fixed it.. :)
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 2:35 am
by androoz
now that i think about it.. it might be the fuel pump..
the previous owner mentioned that the fuel pump was changed to solve his idle problem. he said that a VL fuel pump IS NOT compatible with the starion as it the pump needs to "suck" petrol up and then something or other.. well anyways
i FORGOT to mention that sometimes i get into the car and try to turn it on, and it doesnt even choke! i can hear the fuel pump in the back doing something while the car is suppost to be choking though.. to solve this and get my car to choke again, i have to hold it in the choking position and let the pump do watever its doing, then she will start to choke..
i wonder if its my fuel pump thats causing my starting problems?
the fuel pump SHOULD be a boshe one.. dunno which one is in there but..
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 2:36 am
by SpidersWeb
By choke I think you mean 'turn'
You sound a lot like me when I first started coming here, worrying about your precious baby :)
Your car may have a leaking injector or similar. Only reason I say that, is when you clear its lungs out, you get black smoke, which is caused by running too rich (normally anyway, there are other causes).
Personally, I'd just start it, rev it once or twice to 3000rpm (no point going higher really, just damage the engine over time on cold starts).
I do this with mine, but I have white smoke not black. Think there is just oil seeping in from somewhere. I also having a working ISC which helps :D
Another thing to try, turn the car to 'ON' wait 30 seconds, then start it, see if the problem goes away.
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 2:43 am
by androoz
yeah i tried that.. left it on for a minute.. then when i start it same thing.. doesnt like going on really..
there is a line on my driveway where the exhaust comes out from all the black smoke that comes out..

your lucky, your ISC works..

Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 2:47 am
by SpidersWeb
Well Im gonna pick leaking injectors, or possibly a weak battery.
But wait until you get some other replies before doing stuff, I may be wrong altogether.
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 2:57 am
by androoz
where are the injectors located.. rofl
i heard from the previous owner, that they were fixed already
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 3:08 am
by SpidersWeb
I know where they are on an MPI setup. On the TBI setup they're apparently in the throttle body itself.
This explains why I can't visibly see a fuel rail, or the injectors like I can in my MPI Galant.
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 12:05 pm
by scum
in the cordz you can park the car and remove the fuel cap for a second, this lets the tank preassure out and normaly will stop the injectors from leaking. more of a test than a fix but dun know if it works on starions
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 1:37 pm
by RiceThief
Sounds like its your injectors, i had similar problem to that in that in would start in the morning but when the engine is hot it would have trouble starting, i believe its because when its hot your injectors leak into the manifold and cause it to flood. I think when this happens if you dry start it, by holding accel pedal all the way to the floor and crank the engine, this will turn the starter but the injectors wont fire.
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 8:44 pm
by androoz
ok, ill try that next time when the car is hot..
are JA injectors compatible with JB ones? if not, what type do i need and whats the price range for them?
im still needing for someone to tell me where the injectors are located, and also how to check if they are leaking..
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 8:49 pm
by Cookiemonster
JA and JB injectors are different.
The type you need are JA injectors, plain and simple. No aftermarket injector will fit. You will probably need to source some second hand.
You could ask Mitsubishi for the cost of new ones.. but then you'll need to pay the hospital bill after you have keeled over.
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 8:54 pm
by androoz
cookie, i have a JB starion.. im guessing i need JB injectors.. :(
my uncle has 4 JAs and 1 JD
if i manage to find 2nd hand ones, are they hard to change over?
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 9:05 pm
by Cookiemonster
androoz wrote:if i manage to find 2nd hand ones, are they hard to change over?
No.. pretty straight forward.
Darkelf had some JB injectors for sale a while back. Wantsom may have some as well. Throw them a PM and see what bites.
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 9:11 pm
by androoz
androoz wrote:im still needing for someone to tell me where the injectors are located, and also how to check if they are leaking..
Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 11:14 pm
by NachoMan
look for a 'T' shape hanging off of the motor on the right hand side...
I can send you a photo if necessary...
Just e-mail me