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theres always something wrong

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 1:16 pm
by Ice Starion
ok every thing was reddy to go back together the head had been ported and polished so had the exhaust but when the car was working the turbo always smoked alot on boost so i took it apart and hada a look and got some one to look at who knows anything about turbos and he said it was dead and could not be rebuilt.

so now iam lookin for a new/old turbo and would like ur advise what i sould get? it had a tc06 and i dont care if i will need an adapter plate just want a good turbo that can take some abuse like drag racing. so what sould i get t3? tc06 from a evo III? i willing to import fom almost any where but from europe would be best

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 3:52 pm
by tmz_99
there is a very very small chance that it cant be rebuilt.. any turbo can usually be rebuilt, just for an appropriate price.

how much do u really want to spend on a turbo? a nice garett/hks/trust etc, ball bearing unit is what u really want..butr requires some custom pipework..:|

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 4:03 pm
by Ice Starion
iam willing to look at all posibilties for a resoneble price ($1000+). but as ia said i will look at every thing

i´ll put in pics tomorow of the turbo

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 4:17 pm
by tmz_99
well.. I dunno.. I got my turbo re-built and hi-flowed for just over 1k and found that now I wish id spent the extra $$ going r.b .... there really is a huge difference... it all depends on what u want ur car to do at the end of the day and how much ur willing to put into it in total.

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 5:07 am
by Ice Starion
over all picture
oil leak not good

looks like this has bean spinning i have been told it´s not supsed to

after looking at this and the head iam starting to wonder if the oil pump is´nt working very well but the oil presure gauge always had a good reading could it have bean fault?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 5:09 am
by Ice Starion
also what can u guys tell me about this turbo it reads

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 9:09 am
by ProZac
Check the oil feed line to your turbo aswell, they often get a bit coked up with gunk.

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 5:31 pm
by SpidersWeb
EVO3 did not come with a TC06, it came with the bigger version of the TD05H-16G.

The TD05H-16G will give you up to 18psi easy, not much lag, and good hp. Good drag turbo.

So if you can get a TD05H-16G off an EVO3 go for it, in NZ the most common price Ive seen is $NZ800. You will need things fabricated to make it fit.

Later if you want to get more serious, common upgrades include using a TD06 compressor housing, and 18G,20G,or 25G trim wheel.

The following turbos should bolt on without any big problems:

Starion factory TC06-11A
Starion factory TC05-12A
Sigma GSR-X factory TD05-12

TD05H-14G,16G etc will need you to modify stuff.