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Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 5:54 pm
by WidebodyWoody
I got mine for $3400 and the map sensor was gone, spare tire was bold and didn't fit the car (5 spoke rim), all round bold tires and engine died in a couple of weeks :evil: . Not only that, everything kept falling apart. Atleast I know my way around Starions well now. :D


Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 10:31 pm
by Cam
Ok paid $4,200 for the car, had to get new steering box, water pump, a balance shaft was seized, so within a few days a new engine. Lots of other little bits a pieces have been fixed up, I blew up a diff (my own fault most likely) Although i must say one thing, The guy who i brought it off did spend shit loads on the car before he sold it, and it did have a brand new head on it. I just rebuilt the engine. I got ripped pretty bad. Within the first two months it cost $1000 mechanics bills plus $1300 import engine and that was on top of buying the car.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 11:24 pm
by jdstaz
i just bought myself a JD starion after 3 years of looking for any starion that i liked. After reading some of these stories im a little scared that mine might be a rip off. i bought the car not running, it came without a turbo, intercooler and a few other odds and ends. so i basically had to believe the guy when he said the car was running fine before he sold those parts. i hope to god when i get it running it has no problems!!!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 10:15 am
by hoongirl
I paid just over 4 grand for mine with a rebuilt engine, JB interior, alarm & central locking, cooler etc. It lasted 6 months before blowing everything sky high :P still when Ronny boy pulled my broken engine apart he said it was a total butcher job, there were things in backwards etc and he was suprised it had lasted as long as it did!

Then the alarm broke, the clutch went, I'm on my 4th or 5th alternator (get that leaky power steering pump fixed people!), power steering pump, fuel pump, turbo rebuilds, new suspension... argh the list goes on and on and on and on...

My mum says I should have bought a sensible car... bwahahahahahahahaha not a chance :twisted:

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 2:52 pm
by CussCuss
well i feel better now. How about a thread for people who DIDNT blow up their car within 6 months?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 3:36 pm
by Alspos
Mine didn't blow up after 6 months. But the clutch stopped working and the starter made funny noises when cranking. Got under the car and found the gearbox was held to the block with two, finger tight bolts!! One in the starter and one near the top on the other side. Idiot mechanic must have done them all up finger tight and most wobbled free over time. Clutch didn't work cos it was pushing the gearbox away from the motor.
This is 3 months after a rebuild. Good start.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:17 pm
by Darkelf
Mine didn't blow up either. My old man gave me mine in 94 when he became too disabled to drive her.
She was in reasonable condition before the accident. I kept her serviced regularly and she only had minor things go wrong with her. Damn reliable!
Also I treated her with respect and drove her carefully!

However since the accident and rebuild I think I have replaced everything.
Engine rebuild, rotors, shocks, ECU, manifold, front & rear ends, windscreen, clutch and lastly just before Xmas the bloody alternator!
I don't think there is anything else to replace. :D

The money I have spent, I should have bought a R34! If only she didn't belong to the old man. (Sentimental Value.) damn car I love her to death! If only she'd hose a skyline! :cry:

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 12:14 am
by scum
barely made it home :(
the stupid bastard i bought it off had -
- broken the top off the coil and "stuck it back on"
- replaced HT leads with world war 1 items)
- did everything possible to make sure under the bonnet was a miniture lighning storm.
- disconnected the thermo fans and let all the water boil out (this reduces the weight in the nose of the car)
- locked the keys in the car, while running. chisled the bottom metal skin off the driver door to get to the lock.
- did burnouts the night be4 i bought it, 4 bald tires, smashed spare tyre/rim (wasnt the spare at the time) blowen head gasket, motor filling the afm with oil, water in the oil.
- launced it over a kerb, smashed sump in, crushed oil pickup, starved engine of oil, buggerd bigends....
- threw tons of grout and other tradesman gear in the back, distroyed interior.
- broke the 3 hard to get switches on the dash
- chipped the top of the passanger window (during lock out) "chip" is about 10cm long and razor sharp (dont put arm on window sil!!)
- replaced working map sensor for not working version.
- broke any and all clips / adjustments in car
- tried to install radio, caused major elec short and melted the big relay bank and main harness under the dash, no headlights, indicators, brake lights, dash power, elec windows.
- broke aircon hose off the compressor and let all the gas out. still said the aircon worked fine.
- ran rear brakes metal on metal, buggerd rear rotors.
- buggerd rear bearings (during kerb smash) and bent trailing arm.
- scraped the WHOLE lhs down his letterbox.
- reversed into something and buggerd rear bumper / exaust tip
- spilt....... something..... (eiw! what is that??!!??) over entire carpet and most of the interior.

i saw this car when he first bought it, this is the first time i had seen one up close, it was sweet, the motor sounded great and went like a rocket. i wanted it. i got it 6 months later HOPEING it could still be driven, and while cold and at his house it did seem to have an ignition prob but not much more. i was heart broken to see the state it was in but knew i was buying to do up anyway, and it was cheep. he owned that car for 6 months... dont bother re-reading that, here it is again......... ready??.. 6 MONTHS!!! :evil: some ppl dont derserve cars.
i think alot of you would not even have considerd it for parts, but i had it set in my mind for 6 months that it was sweet, so it was a little had to convince myself otherwise in 1 hour.
do i get an award now?

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:09 pm
by CussCuss
thats just plain nasty man, some people just dont deserve cars.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:53 pm
by pcuser51
:roll: Had mine 6months so far not athing has gone wrong :roll: and only
paid 1200 bucks for it,now for the condition it was in,RUST bottom of doors
one back gard and front,also front of bonet (the worst) all fixed now by
yours truly(first go at this mind you)including spraypainting.still got a
cracked windscreen though(on order)anda leaking power steering(somewhere)o and it had tobe reregested

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 5:57 pm
by SpidersWeb
I didn't get ripped off, just an unfortunate post-purchase problem.

I bought the car as is where is for $1500NZD. Drove it around sweet as for a few weeks.

Took the car in to be looked at, as it was shuddering left and right at speed. Turned out, the previous owners left the car outside for 6 months.

This caused the UV joint on the driveshaft to seize

When that seized, the driveshaft was forced to bend in a figure 8 shape instead of just turning. By doing this it broke most of the drivetrain. $2000NZD later I have a new clutch, flywheel, recon gearbox, driveshaft, UV joint.

I still have about $800NZD to spend before its legit. But I love the thing and its my project so I will continue to throw silly amounts of money at it.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 9:14 pm
by Rev
Holy shit, I feel a lot better now about mine now. :shock:

Paid $1000, licensed and running... obviously can't expect much for that and it was the only Starion I could afford. :(

So far:
-Body appears to be 90% bog, 10% metal

-Seats are ridiculously bad.. how can the entire vinyl on the REAR seat be ripped?! I mean, every corner, all across the middle - everything

-Entire roof lining is ripped too... how is this possible!?

-Looks like the 60y old previous owner tried some dorifo action and came out second best against a pole or something - rear left quarter and door were scraped -- not very deep but it was a big region of the panels, therefore a pain in the ass to repair.

-Suspect power steering pump

-I doubt the engine is gonna last long. When I changed the oil filter a couple of months ago, the date it was put in was written on it.... March, 2000 :shock: . The sump is significantly dented too.

As long as it lasts a couple of months till I can afford a VR4 / Rebuilt Starion engine, I am happy.

I got a good deal :)

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:19 pm
by logik
You all suck :wink:

I bought mine for $700, came licensed up until March (I bought it in December), and it came with a spare JA.
Body is a bit beaten up, but find me one for that price that is straight. No actual dents, apart from the front bit under
the bonnet, but a few well aimed punches from under the car cures that, until someone leans on it again :x

I've done 6000km on the engine, with an oil change, new leads/coils/rotor cap/dizzy cap. Had a few small electrical
problems, both ps belt and alt belt have been replaced, new oil filter, new air filter (after cutting box).

Yeah rev my roof lining is ripped at the back, i think the glue is just old. My front two seats are fucked, back one
is ok apart from a tear. Dont even ask about carpets, they are clean but dont actually hold onto anything if you
know what i mean. Theres an ad in fast fours for some company that does Starion carpets among lots of other
old cars, i bet those mazda r100 owners are happy, cant remember the company name.

No actual rust on the shell, doors have rust under them. Car idles at 450rpm on cold mornings but a good 5
minute warmup will leave it in a r33 skyline mood.

Learnt that previous owner liked to 'try' drifting (how is that possible on a car w/o lsd? its like people who 'drift' fwd
cars). Power steering leaks, im pretty sure its the lid but who cares (i dont leave it connected anyway). Bushes in
steering need replacing too.

Got pulled up the other day (i have the only remaining starion in bunbury) after chatting with the cop, find out the
previous owner is well known at the police station, and that i will get pulled up a fair bit because of this.

BUT this car is a daily driver, stock apart from cut air box and bov. Lots of stop start driving (did i mention the radiator
cap leaks), but im so glad i have a starion so i dont care.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 12:37 am
by CussCuss
anything can be drifted with the right driver (proof in tiff drifting a ford puma and morris 1000)

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 2:07 pm
by logik
hehe tiff needel?

i think thats understeer and snapback dude, and from memory that review was in the wet. he didnt even
like the car, he said it was a toy :D

flick, countersteer and throttle is drifting. not ripping up the handbrake round a corner in your mums astra

no trolls. :roll: