Hi guys, I need advise.
My JB Starion is blowing a lot of smoke, as per usual. :roll: Once it is warmed up it doesn't seem to blow smoke at idle but when driving and especially under boost, it blows a lot. :pimp It is a greyish smutty smoke. The turbo seems to be fine so I'm guessing it must be rings or gasket? How can I be sure so I don't rip off the wrong thing and end up making more work for myself? All vacume lines seem to be OK too. The car drives as well as it always has too, no lost power.
Thanks for any help.
Quit Smoking!
U can test if it's rings or a head gasket by getting it compression tested. U can get one from any car bits shop, or if ur not sure how to use it get a service place to check it.
If it is black smoke it would be fuel, if it was bluish white smoke it would be oil, but greyish could be a number of things.
Are you running standard boost?
Mine puffs a bit of dark smoke when i run high boost, only because it needs a tune.
If it is black smoke it would be fuel, if it was bluish white smoke it would be oil, but greyish could be a number of things.
Are you running standard boost?
Mine puffs a bit of dark smoke when i run high boost, only because it needs a tune.
quit smoking
it is running just over standard boost. I had the turbo completely rebuilt about a year ago and was running great after that, until recently. if it is a fuel or oil problem, is there some tests I can do before I start pulling her apart? What sould I be looking for with a compression test?
You put the rpressure tester in the spark plug hole and you crank it over, it should build up to a set pressure and then hold for a few compression cycles. There's a number of things that you can tell from a pressure test like if you have ineffective valve seating, gasket problems, rings etc, but i dont know what the indications of these are (like one is fluttering pressure needle, not sure what it means though)
Best to get it checked by someone.
Where abouts are you?
Best to get it checked by someone.
Where abouts are you?
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