they look pretty close to what mine were, not quite as much corrosion down low, but the center bit of the injector was the same, all orange and crap
heres what al so kindly wrote for me.
"You need to get the ECI cap off. There is a large o-ring which goes right around the top of it. Undo the screws and then tap it with a hammer to loosen it. You can use a screwdriver but be careful not to damage the side of the cap (it looks ugly!!) I saw the pictures, put the cap back on the TB and you will have a bit more budging power undoing the screws etc.
Once the cap is off you can just slide the wiring out of the cap. Be careful, the wires will be brittle.
Pull the injector out of the bottom of the ECI cap. You may need to twist them a little to break the seal.
Once they are out, measure the width and diameter of the o-ring slot, go to the o-ring shop and buy several different size o-rings. Make sure the width of the o-ring is pretty close to the width of the slot, don't worry that it will be too high, we'll fix that. Make the inside diameter of the o-ring pretty close to that of the inside of the slot in the injector. Should cost you about a dollar for a handful of different ones. Also buy a new o-ring for the top of the ECI cap.
You'll need a drill, a round piece of tube or bar slightly bigger than the o-ring and some sandpaper. You need to use the paper to flatten off the outside of the o-ring, like a D shape. It may take a couple of goes, but once you flatten off part of the o-ring, put it on the injector, spray with some WD40 and slide it in to the injector cap. Make sure it is a snug fit. If you make the o-ring too small, start again. You need to do both injectors.
Hopefully once they both have tight seals, you can put the ECI cap and wiring back together and re-install it all. By the way, replace the phillips head screws in the injector cap with allen key screws the same size. You may need to pull it all apart if anything leaks and it makes the job a LOT easier.
I hope this helps a little, good luck with it.
might wanna get the injectors cleaned and tested while they are out.
i was told by my local engineering place that they couldnt get proper sized o-rings, but what you can do is get slightly bigger ones and sand them down, just sand a little off and try it for fit.
and incase you didnt see it in the other thread, davids site is really useful too