hey people the melburne cruze date will be the 9th of dec. it will meet no 2 ada st doncaster at 10:30am for an 11:30 push off time down the morninton peninsula through the back of flinders area to sorrento where a big arvo bbq will be provided by myself "The Big Moz" i will need numbers by the wednesday b4 the cruse so i can organize food and bev. hope to see 20 starions on the day, if there are 20 there i will shout beers at the portsea pub the 2nd best beer garden in australia (beach hotel in byron bay being the best)soo let the good times roll and put your name down MOFO...
bigmoz :pimp
melbourne cruze dates
melbourne cruze dates
85 JB, forged, larger valves, ported and polished microtech, sonata mpi, td06 20g, intercooler, willwood brakes, koni suspention, 3.9LSD and more shit i cant remember
82 JA, blueprint SIRUS 4g63, dumped and a cooler 17's, exhaust... DEAD :(
big moz (
82 JA, blueprint SIRUS 4g63, dumped and a cooler 17's, exhaust... DEAD :(
big moz (
... come on people where are the replies
come on people where are the replies!!!!
bigmoz :pimp
bigmoz :pimp
85 JB, forged, larger valves, ported and polished microtech, sonata mpi, td06 20g, intercooler, willwood brakes, koni suspention, 3.9LSD and more shit i cant remember
82 JA, blueprint SIRUS 4g63, dumped and a cooler 17's, exhaust... DEAD :(
big moz (
82 JA, blueprint SIRUS 4g63, dumped and a cooler 17's, exhaust... DEAD :(
big moz (
sorry boys and girls not enuff for it to be worthwile :( :( :( :( :( :(
bigmoz :pimp
bigmoz :pimp
85 JB, forged, larger valves, ported and polished microtech, sonata mpi, td06 20g, intercooler, willwood brakes, koni suspention, 3.9LSD and more shit i cant remember
82 JA, blueprint SIRUS 4g63, dumped and a cooler 17's, exhaust... DEAD :(
big moz (
82 JA, blueprint SIRUS 4g63, dumped and a cooler 17's, exhaust... DEAD :(
big moz (
- madeofmilo
- Enthusiast
- Posts: 578
- Joined: Fri May 21, 2004 5:53 pm
- Location: Melb - East
lol dave maybe late 2008 for you mate my car was there first and its still not compleated... although the big red beast in the garage is nearing compleation.... so i think we are in with a chance
bigmoz :pimp
bigmoz :pimp
85 JB, forged, larger valves, ported and polished microtech, sonata mpi, td06 20g, intercooler, willwood brakes, koni suspention, 3.9LSD and more shit i cant remember
82 JA, blueprint SIRUS 4g63, dumped and a cooler 17's, exhaust... DEAD :(
big moz (
82 JA, blueprint SIRUS 4g63, dumped and a cooler 17's, exhaust... DEAD :(
big moz (
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