Melbourne old school mitsu cruise

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Melbourne old school mitsu cruise

Post by MYToyGE »

When: Saturday 20th May
Meeting place : Top Car Park Kmart Burwood (corner of Blackburn RD and Burwood Highway)
Time : 4:30pm
Destination : Buxton
Other Information : This will be a casual cruise up burwood highway through the back end of ferntree gully and up Canterbury road. From here we will travel towards coldstream and up the hwy to healsville. The Black spur will be par of this journey and a great relaxing drive. Finally our end of the cruise will take us to a roadhouse called the Igloo. They serve normal take away stuff but they are famous for their buxton burger. There are three burgers in this line up.

Berger with the lot $6.00 (standard burger)
Buxton Burger $8.50 (double meat and salad)
Cathidrel Burger $10.50 (tripple meat and salad)

These burgers will fill you and are so yummy. If you wish to bring BBQ stuff we will then cruise to the park down the road (we will pass it on the way to the roadhouse) and can cook on there BBQ's there.

just for all thoes who might be interested, it would be great to see some of you guys/girs there with ur beasts.

compliments of oldn64 (

1978 GE Scorpion coupe'
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