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Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:28 pm
by born4u2nvm3
well all sounds good, more people as it gets closer, sorry to hear about your brothers car...
we will have to meet down the mt. then cruise up there together, so anyone know a spot down the bottom that has enough room for about 14 starions or more.
yeah everyone will have money i am sure, but not sure about everyone doing it, some people have other plans which would is okay. but will talk when there
great turn out so far!!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:15 pm
by Wraith
sounding like a awesome turnout so far, there are a couple of places for meeting up at the bottom of the mountain, two servos and a shopping centre with car parks, but i reckon the best bet would be the maccas on the freeway heading up to the mountain, its got a fair bit of space, food!! and is easily accessible and noticable. just a thought anyway, maybe someone should go up and take some photos of the area? scout ahead as it were.

btw im coming with a full car load so the staz will be on its arse and being pushed to keep up hehehehe. Flav get the spares ready!!!!
most likely bringing some food and drinks as well to help a bit.

cant wait people!!!!!!!!!!!! :beer

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:29 pm
by born4u2nvm3
it does sound like a good turn out...
maccas sounds like a good idea, and we can all park there too...
has anyone got the ref number to that, or could someone find it, to let others know

full car load, on it ass!!! i am sure everyone would have spares.... lol LOL LOL

and see all you there, this should be good....

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:55 pm
by chunkhead
Really good point... a lot of Starions, one of us is bound to break down! Who's bringing the workshop? rofl

Most probably be me knowing my luck! :x

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:17 pm
by mrmonk
hehehe yeah only tools i got is some spanners and a couple of screw drivers. but do you's have many break downs on the cruises ?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 10:29 pm
by Zychion
I currently live up the mountain, but I have lived down the bottom for most of my years. Which Macca's are you boys talking about? The one in Ferntree Gully is usually quiet, but no one is gonna see our beautiful autos in that car park. There is also one in Lilydale area which is a nice Maccas but it may be hard to get all the Stazzas in there. Very busy that one. Then there is also the one in Bayswater which is the meeting place of the CCC and a bunch of other cruise clubs.

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:03 pm
by born4u2nvm3
Zychion, what do you think is a easyer one for most of us to get there, think you could give us the info... would help thanks
get back to us when you can thanks

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:02 pm
by Zychion
Bayswater is by far the easiest to get to. It's on the corner of two major roads and it is a giant block cut in to 3 pieces (An out doors shop, a red rooster and a Maccas. oh and a Fuel station) and all the carparks are joined, so there is heaps of parking.

The Maccas is 24 hours and I know some of the girls that work there (Plus some of the guys, but thats irrelevant :D :D ) It's located on the corner of Bayswater Rd and Canterbury Rd and I'm pretty sure it's in the suburb of Baywater (although very close to Croydon)

The CCC use it as a meet, but they don't come out until night anyway. There neons don't show up and there spoilers work better at night or something :shock: LOL

It's pretty easy to find as well. All you have to do is get on Canterbury rd and head towards the hills. If anyone knows where ringwood is it's easy as. It think it's also called Canterbury rd up at Doncaster east as well. Anyway if anyone else needs more help let me know.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:25 pm
by born4u2nvm3
okay thanks, i think that is the spot where to meet, so we will say there at 11am sharp we can all talk about doing other things when we are all together...

on the corner of Bayswater Rd and Canterbury Rd!!!!!
it is good to have a Fuel station also, most of us will need it untill we get closer people see you then, if anyone needs info please let us know...

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:33 pm
by mrmonk
yeah beauty, done deal 15th april at 11am i'll be there and i'm big kev excited about it. will be a good day i'm sure we will end up playing follow the leader that day aswel...

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:59 pm
by born4u2nvm3
yeah sweet the weather still not sure, hope it will help all us out that day, would be great if it did...

i am sure alot of people are big kev excited about it.... about playing follow the leader depends where or how far you are from the back LOL LOL

anyway remember it is going to be a safe cruise and hope no one does anything to dumb, remember we are a rep for AUSTARION!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:32 am
by Wraith
does that mean no burnouts or skating? lol
cant help it sometimes!!!
i think we'll all try to be good. lol
how about we play leap frog instead of follow the leader, lol car from the back drives along side to the front and becomes leader and so on.
fun fun fun fun cant wait!!!!!!!!


Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:08 am
by born4u2nvm3
i am sure they will be burnouts and skating but, all within reason....
rofl rofl rofl
yeah will doesnt matter who is 1st really but if everyone wants a turn i am sure that can happen...

well thanks just pray it will be a sunny day....
for those who know about my friend (female) hope she gets to drive and you all meet her

i will be bringing my g/f and cant have anymore then 1 person in my car, which is a bitch!!! and only on 1 point so have to be careful

anyway peoples if you need to know anything else please ask and i hope we can still get others to come on the cruise we need to beat 13 and we are close to doing that!!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:33 am
by Zychion
I was gonna ask, do you want to come up with a few destination areas up now (that include a barbecue spot) and we can mark up some kind of map with the destination spots on it. Then if people get lost they can just drive to the destination rather than drive the way everyone else is going.

Just an Idea

And just one last question, does your friend (female) want to ride co-pilot to me?? rofl

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:38 am
by born4u2nvm3
i think we should have like a map yeah.... but i dont know that area well, need to know where the food will be

it is better to drive as a group then drive by yourself.. that is what it is all about, cruising.....

co-pilot huh, not sure... if she drives you will have to kept up with her...
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl