A western story with a happy ending

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A western story with a happy ending

Post by OLD FART »

An old female prospector shuffled into town leading a tired old mule and headed towards the only saloon to clear her perched throat.

She walked up and tied the mule to the hitching rail and stood there brushing the dust off her face and clothes just as a young gunslinger stepped out of the saloon with a bottle in one hand and a gun in the other.

He looked at the old woman and said "hey woman can you dance ?"
She looked up and said"no I never learned and never really wanted to learn"

A crowd had gathered and the young gunslinger grinned ans said "well you old bag you're gunna learn right now" and started shooting at her feet.

Not wanting to get her toes blown off started hopping around and the crowd started laughing.

When he had fired the last bullet The still laughing gunslinger holstered his gun and turned around to go back into the saloon.

The old woman turned to her pack mule and pulled out a double barrel 12 gauge shotgun and cocked both hammers>

The loud clicks were clearly heard thru the desert air and the crowd stopped laughing immediately.

The gunslinger heard it and turned slowly around.

The crowd watched expectantly as the young gunman stared at the old woman and the huge bores of the shotgun pointed straight at him.

The shotgun never wavered in the old woman's hand as she quietly said "son have you ever kissed a mules ass???"

The gunslinger swallowed nervously and said "no ma'am, but Ive always wanted to.

The lessons that can be learned from this are

1Never be arrogant
2 don't waste ammunition.
3 Whiskey makes you think that you are smarter than you really are..
4 Always make sure you know who has the power.
5 Don't mess with old women.They didn't get old by being stupid.
I've had mine since 03 07 92
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